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Focus on Fat loss, Not Weight loss


Most people who talk about losing weight usually mean "slimming down" You might want to lose weight around the hips, thighs, stomach and arms but the odd thing about slimming down is that it doesn't always mean losing actual weight off the scales.


How would you feel if at the end of a fat loss programme you had lost very little weight but you fitted into clothes two sizes smaller?  


Great !   I imagine


Well that is what happened to me and that is how I have stayed for many years.



I followed a healthy diet, no fads or special purchases, then  embarked on a targeted resistance training plan. Sounds simple? Well I needed plenty of help and motivation in the beginning and was held accountable which really worked for me.

Once I started seeing results keeping motivated and not cheating became much easier and now I have new habits which keep me on track.

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If you are ready make lifelong changes, get in touch for more information.

I look forward to hearing from you



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